This is what it is to live democracy
The way people’s faces light up when sharing home-grown, home-cooked food. The way we spark together when marching and chanting as part of a protest crowd. The bone-weary contentment at the end of a day with friends planting trees or tending a garden. The way we glow when having a great conversation, building off each other’s ideas, finding solutions we can all be satisfied with. The energy buzzing in a participatory planning session, people leaping out of their seats with excitement to scrawl ideas on a sheet of paper, nodding vigorously, eyes shining. The inexpressible joy and relief in the voice of an elderly neighbour calling to thank you for dropping a message in their letterbox offering support during pandemic lockdown.
This is what it is to be a member of society, one special part of an unimaginably complex whole, listening to, respecting, and coexisting with all that surrounds us, building trust and cohesion. This is what we humans do.

What’s happening?
Book launches, community meetings, stories from people Living Democracy around the country. We’ll share it all here.

The Opposite Of Violence Is Connection
Today, August 6, is Hiroshima Day, 77 years after the detonation of an atomic bomb over the Japanese city caused unimaginable death, destruction and devastation. It’s a day to ponder[…]
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Canberra, Sydney, Byron!
Living Democracy will be hitting the shelves on August 1, with pre-orders going out any minute now, and I’m super excited to share with you the first events that I’ve[…]
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